Ngāti Hinerangi / WAIRERE MAHI

Undertaking targeted pest control to restore the mauri of sacred whenua near the Wairere Falls.

Targeting possums,
rats and mustelids.

1,000 hectares in the western area of the Kaimai Ranges between Wairere Falls and State Highway 29.


9 Kaimahi employed.

This project enables whānau to return home and reconnect with te taiao, whenua, whānau and iwi of Ngāti Hinerangi.

"When we combine whakapapa, tikanga, mātauranga Māori and the principles of te ao Māori, we instil the wairua and intention of our mātua tūpuna. We believe, as Māori, that those who walked this whenua before us all, will awhi, protect and guide us on this journey of environmental restoration. Our goal is revive an environment where Tāne and his tamariki including the manu, ngārara pai | insects, me ngā rakau | trees return to their natural state of being, with minimal, to no, interference from predators. These predators are a threat to our whenua, ngāhere me ona taonga.

Economically, we thrive to inspire and build capacity in the area of environmental restoration among our own community. Our trust aspirations include the dream of building and strengthening relationships with related agencies in order to empower us to be true kaitiaki of our own tūrangawaewae. This mahi ensures our people and the gains we have made, stand the test of time for generations to come. The continual capacity building and education we share throughout this project ensures we consistently grow more kaitiaki to continue this mahi well into the future."

- Mohi Korohina, Project Manager.


project area values

Threatened species


Other DOC assets

Highest waterfall in North Island, network of popular public tracks, two public huts, 20x20 vegetation plots



From left to right: Carlo Robson, Berline Falwasser, Mohi Korohina, Wairua Witika, Te Rauoriwa Matika, Irahiko Wilson. Missing; Mana Falwasser and Tim Aoake


  • Track lines

    Marking, cutting and maintaining trapping lines over the 1,000-ha project area.

  • Pest control

    Ground based pest control targeting rats, mustelids and possums.

  • DATA

    Input all operational data into a data management system supplied and supported by the Manaaki Kaimai Mamaku Trust.

  • Education and engagement

    Promote kaitiakitanga within Ngāti Hinerangi and the wider community.