Kaimai Kauri Logo

Kaimai Kauri predominantly focus on kauri ambassador work - protecting this taonga from the PA pathegon through monitoring, surveillance and track maintenance.

Part of this work also includes predator control around existing DOC tracks. This trapping program is primarily focused on reconnecting the community to the ngahere and increasing the social license for wider pest control activities.

A long-held aspiration for Kaimai Kauri is to increase the capacity and capability of their hapū (Ngāti Te Wai) so they can undertake conservation mahi in their own whenua.

The mahi

  • Kauri protection

    Reducing the harmful effects of Phytophthora Agathidicida (PA) to kauri with track maintenance, education and community engagement.

  • Matauranga Māori

    Providing for Māori knowledge, values and approaches to manage kauri dieback disease and prevent its spread. Having mana whenua fully participate in biodiversity management and biosecurity which includes planning and undertaking biodiversity monitoring and pest animal control in their rohe (on existing DOC tracks) as a means of re-engaging whanau, hapū and iwi to the ngahere.

  • Track maintenance

    Preserving tracks and DOC assets with regular upgrades and maintenance in partnership with DOC. Kaimai Kauri has two teams each focused on their specialised field of kauri protection, these teams are the Kauri Track Ambassadors and the Biodiversity Team.

Kaimai Kauri team photo